Borough Services

Field Crew
The Borough Field Crew is responsible for Borough road maintenance, storm water infrastructure, street signage, street snow removal, municipal building and property maintenance, and vehicle maintenance. The six-member crew is shared with the Saxonburg Area Authority, with the Borough and Authority sharing the personnel costs.
Code Enforcement Officer
The Zoning/Code Enforcement Officer responds to questions regarding zoning, building, and ordinances, and serves as a member on the Historic Architectural Review Board.
Police Department
The Police Department patrols the Borough, responding to calls outside the Borough under an agreement with the State Police and 911 Center. The Mayor is responsible for the operations of the Police Department. The Police Chief administers the daily functions of the department.
The Borough Superintendent supervises the field crew operations, responds to questions regarding zoning, building, and ordinances.
Administrative Staff
The Administrative Staff answers questions, responds to right to know requests, prepares meeting minutes, administers the website, and participates in local and state organizations for education and training.
Borough Manager
The Borough Manager prepares the annual budget for Council approval, maintains internal control procedures, works closely with Council to revise and create ordinances and policies, and works with the Borough Superintendent to plan street and stormwater projects.

Ordinances & Zoning
- All ordinances are available online at
- Saxonburg Borough Zoning Map is available HERE
- Building, Occupancy, Sign, Curb & Street Cut, and Solicitation Permits are required.
- Please stop into the office to get applications or email the Borough at [email protected] .
- Tenant Registration is required by the 15th of every month for new tenants. Please mail, fax, or email a copy of the Tenant Registration Form to the Borough Secretary.
- Solicitation Permits: $20 per day
- Lien Letters: $25 Lien Letter Request Form
- Borough Comprehensive Fee Resolution #4-2022 went into effect on July 19, 2022. All fees are included in this Resolution.
- Escrow deposits may be required with certain permits and hearing applications.

Right to Know
- Right to Know Officer - Steven May [email protected]
- Office of Open Records
- Right to Know Request Form
- Copies are $0.25 per page